★ Alandala.LaLeagane.Ro ► 1kMaps

Current map: awp_alya
Online: 14/32
~ 44%
  • Status:
  • Address: DE
  • Added: 07.06.2024 [12:27]
  • Owner: zasd (It's you?)
  • Rating: -1
  • Connects 16 | 28


  • Contacts: Telegram: zasdTM
  • Website: https://laleagane.ro/forum/alandala/


  • Subscription Paid by 08/07/2025 06:43
Purchasing services Donation to the Server Owner

Gamers online

Name Frags Time
say /motd 4 general inf... 0 7h 51m 34s
say /duel 4 challenge m... 0 7h 51m 34s
ARENA-BOOST | Player 27 1h 20m 25s
BRaileanuuu 141 1h 14m 59s
-=MACTEP KC=- 23 1h 12m 29s
vampIress 3 36m 10s
rece 102 18m 48s
Zeza Veti 110 18m 48s
GangOrca 91 18m 46s
<Warrior> Player 54 18m 46s
Morphine 52 18m 45s
1188 60 16m 57s
WildWolf 38 5m 19s
ZeUsS 0 16s

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