Offer agreement


  • Have not read the terms of this offer.
  • Do not agree with the terms of the offer, or any other part of its conditions.

1. Terms and Definitions:

1.1 Acceptance of the offer - full and unconditional acceptance of the Offer by the Customer's actions in making a preliminary payment to the balance of the personal account for the provision of services to promote gaming servers. Acceptance of the offer creates a Contract of Offer.

1.2 Offer – the present document "Public contract-offer for the provision of gaming server promotion services," posted on the Internet at

1.3 Customer/User - a website user and owner of a gaming server who has accepted the Offer and thus becomes the Customer of the Service Provider under the concluded offer contract.

1.4 Service Provider - Unikov.Net project

1.5 The Service Provider and the Customer/User together are referred to as the Parties.

1.6 Contract of Offer – a contract between the Service Provider and the Customer for the provision of gaming server promotion services, concluded through the acceptance of the offer.

1.7 Gaming server - a server for the game Counter-Strike 1.6.

1.8 Promotion of a gaming server - a service to place a user's gaming server link in a visible site location.

1.9 Personal Account - a personal, private section of the Site provided to the User for independent ordering of gaming server promotion services.

1.10 Balance of the personal account - the remaining funds of the User, available for ordering and extending gaming server promotion services.

1.11 Site — the totality of all pages of the domain

1.12 Internet resource — a set of pages located on the Service Provider's server, forming a unified site network of

1.13 Service — a technical solution, a service of the Service Provider on the Internet resource, provided to the Customer for fulfilling obligations under the present Contract.

1.14 VIP Queue - a list of gaming servers waiting to be added to the VIP servers section.

2. Subject of the Contract:

2.1 Services for promoting gaming servers are available to the User after registration in the personal account.

2.2 The User can order services after topping up the balance.

2.3 The subject of the present offer is the provision of services to promote gaming servers to the User in accordance with the conditions of this offer and the current price list.

2.4 The services provided within this offer - promotion of the Customer's gaming servers, namely the addition of the Customer's server link to the page in the section corresponding to the purchased service.

2.5 Depending on the purchased service, the Customer may see their server link on the main page of the site and on the server rating page

2.6 This offer is considered accepted by the User, and the Contract between the Service Provider and the User is concluded from the moment the User replenishes the balance of the personal account.

3. Types of Services Provided:

  • Placing the Customer's server address link in the Be First section.
  • Placing the Customer's server address link in the TOP section.
  • Placing the Customer's server address link in the Boost section.
  • Placing the Customer's server address link in the VIP section.
  • Placing the Customer's server address link in the Favorites section.

4. Procedure for Provision and Payment of Services:

4.1 After the Customer has made the payment and the funds have been credited to the balance of the personal account, the Contract of Offer comes into force.

4.2 Services are provided in full provided they are paid 100% by the Customer.

4.3 The Customer pays for the Services under this Contract using the electronic payment system, replenishing their balance in the Personal Account. The moment of payment is the moment of topping up the balance in the User's Personal Account.

4.4 Services are considered properly and fully provided if, within one day from the moment of service provision, the Customer does not send a motivated refusal to accept the service to the Service Provider's email address. E-mail [email protected]

4.5 In case of refusal of the Service Provider's services after their payment and after the expiration of the terms specified above, the cost of the services is not refunded to the User, as the services are considered fully provided.

5. Rights and Obligations of the Parties, Liability:

5.1 The Service Provider undertakes to ensure users' access to the site round the clock, without holidays, except for periods of technical maintenance.

5.2 The Service Provider is not responsible for breach of the terms of the offer contract if such breach is caused by force majeure (act of God) circumstances, including: actions of state authorities, fire, flood, earthquake, other natural actions, lack of electricity and/or failures in computer network operation, DDoS attacks, strikes, civil disturbances, riots, any other circumstances, not limited to the listed, which may affect the Service Provider's performance of the terms of this public offer and are beyond the control of the Service Provider.

5.3 In case of impossibility to provide services due to the fault of the Service Provider, the Service Provider undertakes to repeat the provided service in full.

5.4 The Service Provider has the right to unilaterally change the terms of this Offer. The date of the new version of the Offer coming into force is the date of publication of the new version of the Offer on the Site. The User must independently regularly familiarize themselves with the current version of the Offer posted on the Site. Using the services after the changes of the Offer come into effect means the User's consent to all changes of the Offer.

5.5 The Customer is solely responsible for the safety and confidentiality of registration data: login(s) and password(s). All actions carried out using the Customer's login(s) and password(s) are considered performed by the Customer. The Customer is solely responsible to third parties for all actions performed using the Customer's login(s) and password(s). The Service Provider is not responsible for unauthorized use of the Customer's registration data by third parties.

5.6 The Customer undertakes to ensure there are free spaces before topping up the balance of the account and ordering the service.

5.7 The Customer undertakes to independently pay for the services of promoting the gaming server in the Personal Account located at

5.8 The Customer undertakes to familiarize themselves with the content of the Offer, the terms of the Contract, and the cost of the gaming server promotion services before concluding the Contract.

6. Validity of the Contract:

6.1 The Contract comes into force from the moment of acceptance of the Offer in accordance with clause 2.4 of the Offer and is valid until the Parties have fulfilled their obligations under it or prematurely terminated the present Contract.

6.2 In case of the User's violation of the general Site Rules, the User's servers may be blocked with the termination of ordered services, and access to the Personal Account ceased (blocked), without special notification to the User.

6.3 The Contract is terminated prematurely in the case of cessation (blocking) of the User's access to the Personal Account due to the User's violation of the Site Rules.

Using the site, including ordering services for promoting gaming servers, means agreement with the Site Rules.
By topping up the balance and ordering services on the site, you accept the Offer.

Please note: Votes are allowed once per day and only for one server